20 March, 2013

New Idea For This Class: "Help Each Other Hour"

A New Idea For This Class: “Help Each Other Hour”
Each class is different and as a teacher I try out different ideas to see what works best for each class. A new idea I have is an “Help Each Other Hour”. When I suggested it to the class, they were surprised, many thought about it, and many liked it. Here’s how it might work...
One hour a week, after school, they can work in pairs or any-sized groups on anything they like. I’ll be in the classroom, supervising for safety’s sake and providing whatever resources I can but not actually teaching (I’ll be hoping to be doing my own work: planning, preparing, writing up reports, and so on). I’ll be volunteering my time so there’ll be no charge. It’ll be on Mondays. Let’s give it a go, see how it works, and take it from there.
Obviously no child HAS TO sign up and also I don’t want to be spending any time or energy having to deal with children breaking the school rules, so, to be fair to all the children, any child who wants to take part will have to sign a ‘Good Behaviour Contract’ and if they mess up they will be barred.
Mr Stuart, 20th March, 2013

I give permission for my child _________________________________ to take part in the “Help Each Other Hour” on Mondays after school until 3.40pm. The first Monday will be the Monday after the Easter Holidays on the 8th April. I understand there is no cost. I understand school rules must be followed. I understand this is an opportunity for my child to develop teamwork skills with children who want to work and do well. I understand this is an opportunity for my child to work on anything they like in the classroom, maybe on one of the five computers, by themselves, in pairs, or in any sized-groups.
What your child can work on is only limited by his/her imagination: it can be part of one of the school subjects (Art, Music, Drama, Writing, Reading, Maths, Irish, Religion, Praying, History, Geography, Maps, Typing, Computer Skills, Science...) or it can be something else altogether.
Signed (parent): __________________________________  Date:      ______ March, 2013

Good Behaviour Contract (to be signed by each child taking part)
I would like to take part in the “Help Each Other Hour” each Monday. I understand that school rules apply and that Mr Stuart will bar me if I mess. I will behave well. I want to do well. I want to use this opportunity to learn; I am grateful for it. I want to uncover some of my skills, to strengthen some of my strengths, and to enjoy myself learning with others.
Signed (child): ______________________________  Date:      _____ March, 2013

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