Hi everyone,
thanks to those who filled in the 'Parents Maths Survey' the school sent out last week. Much appreciated.
I've read through all your answers. And I've made myself a To-Do List based on them. On the list is
one of your requests... to know in advance what will be taught. And so I'm doing that in this post...
Below is the remainder of my
Maths Plan for the year. Each number represents a week's work. Generally they tie in very closely with similarly/identically-titled chapters in your child's main Maths book.
The following should take us up to the end of May, at which time we'll be doing the Standardised Tests again. These results will go forward to your child's secondary school. In June we'll be revising where the need is greatest.
(The full national curriculum for Maths in Primary Schools in Ireland
is here in a pdf.)
by Week
The ‘Strand’ of Maths we’re covering
The ‘Strand Unit’ (the specific part of the
strand we’re covering)(This is also the chapter title in your child's Maths book)
Our Aims for the Week, along with some examples
Rules and Properties
know simple properties and rules about brackets and priority of
use the calculator in exercises to find missing numerals and missing
e.g. 37 ? 21 ? 23 = 800
27 ? (36 ? 11) = 675
identify relationships and record symbolic rules for number
deduce and record rules for given number patterns
2, 6, 12, 20, 30 ...
4:1, 8:2, 16:4 ...
explore the concept of a variable in the
context of simple patterns, tables and simple formulae and substitute values
for variables
identify and discuss simple formulae from other
e.g. d = 2 x r; a = l x w
substitute values into formulae and into symbolic rules developed
from number patterns.
recognise that the length of the perimeter of a rectangular
shape does not determine the area of the shape
construct rectangles of constant perimeter with varying areas
calculate the area of regular and irregular 2-D shapes
estimate and calculate area of shapes, and check by measuring with square
centimetre units circles: calculate by counting squares only
measure the surface area of specified 3-D shapes
measure 3-D surfaces by measuring individual 2-D faces or by extending
into nets
calculate area using acres and hectares
fields, large playgrounds, car parks
identify the relationship between square metres and square
explore and compare areas of one, four, twenty-five and one hundred square
centimetres to establish relationships
find the area of a room from a scale plan
measure and calculate area of rectangular shapes by partitioning into
rectangles and combining individual areas
extend to finding area of room plans (rectangular)
extend to using scale to find area of rooms from plans.
select and use appropriate instruments of measurement
rename measures of weight
rename measurements of appropriate metric units
express results as fractions or decimals of appropriate metric units
750 g = 0.75 kg
4 kg 45 g = 4.045 kg.
Shape and Space
Lines and Angles
recognise, classify and describe angles and relate angles to
identify types of angles in the environment
recognise angles in terms of a rotation
estimate, measure and construct angles in degrees
explore the sum of the angles in a quadrilateral
cut off the four corners of a paper quadrilateral and put them together to
make 360 degrees
measure the angles in a variety of quadrilaterals and calculate their sums.
(Revision of what we've covered)
(Revision of what we've covered)
Shape and Space
2D Shapes
make informal deductions about 2-D shapes and their properties
use angle and line properties to classify and describe triangles
and quadrilaterals
construct triangles from given sides or angles
complete the construction of triangles, given two sides and the angle
between them or given two angles and the line between them
identify the properties of the circle
relate the diameter of a circle to its circumference by measurement
measure the circumference of a circle or object such as a rolling-pin or
wheel e.g. use a piece of string
construct a circle of given radius or diameter
tessellate combinations of 2-D shapes
construct a circle of given radius or diameter
classify 2-D shapes according to their lines of symmetry
plot simple co-ordinates and apply where appropriate
use geoboards and squared paper
use 2-D shapes and properties to solve problems.
Number Theory
identify simple prime and
composite numbers
identify and explore square
16 = 4 x 4 = 4 to the power of 2
explore and identify simple
square roots
construct diagrams
record and relate to square numbers
identify common factors and
explore and record factors and multiples to identify common factors and
write whole numbers in
exponential form
1000 = 10 x 10 x 10 = 10 to the power of 3
8 = 2 x 2 x 2 = 2 to the power of 3 .
select and use appropriate instruments of measurement
rename measures of capacity
rename measurements of appropriate metric units
express results as fractions or decimals of appropriate metric unit
625 ml = 5 eighths of a litre = 0.625 l
8 l 253 ml = 8.253 l
find the volume of a cuboid experimentally
fill a cuboid container with water and measure capacity in litres
fill a cuboid container with unit cubes and count.
explore value for money
calculate sale prices, e.g. 10% discount, 20% VAT added
convert other currencies to euro and vice versa
identify and discuss exchange rates from newspaper
calculate major currency equivalents for basic sums of euro
convert sums of money in other currencies to euro equivalents.
identify and list all possible outcomes of simple random
discuss and list all possible outcomes of:
rolling two dice and calculating the total
(2, 3, 4 ... 12)
selecting two numbers at random from the numbers
1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (ten possibilities)
estimate the likelihood of occurrence of events; order on a
scale from 0 to 100%, 0 to 1
when tossing a coin, a head has 1 chance in 2 of occurring; thus the
likelihood of a head is 1 in 2, or 1-2 or 50%, similarly for a tail when
rolling a die, each outcome has a 1 in 6 chance of occurring -- therefore the
likelihood is 1-6 when drawing a cube from a bag containing 3 red and 6 blue
cubes, a blue cube has 6 chances in 9 of occurring and thus has a probability
of 6-9 or 2-3 ; the probability of drawing a red cube is 3-9 or 1-3 what if
the bag contains 5 red, 5 blue and 5 green cubes? or 3 red, 6 blue and 6
construct and use frequency charts and tables
perform the experiment (toss two coins, draw a cube from a bag containing
a number of different-coloured cubes) a large number of times; larger numbers
of throws can be achieved by using group work
record the outcomes and use to construct a frequency table; for example, when
tossing two coins, the table might look as follows:
outcome frequency
2 heads 20
2 tails 28
1 head, 1 tail 52
we estimate the chance of 2 heads to be 20/100, that of 2 tails to be 28/100,
that of one head and one tail to be 52/100:
discuss, is this what we expected?
using two coins of different colours may help examine a table of school
attendance for the class what is the chance of full attendance on any one
what is the chance of more than 20% of the class being absent on any one day?
pupils are given a bag and told it contains 10 cubes in 3 different colours;
by drawing a cube repeatedly, say 50 times, and constructing a frequency
table, they must estimate how many cubes of each colour there are in the bag.
translate word problems with a variable into number sentences
Peter cut a length of ribbon into five equal parts; each part was 30 cm
long. How long was the ribbon before it was cut?
x / 5 - 30
solve one-step number sentences and equations
-3 + +6 - _
-4 + _ -+1
10 x _ - 8 x 5.
Shape and Space
3D Shapes
identify and examine 3-D shapes and explore relationships,
including octahedron (faces, edges and vertices)
draw the nets of simple 3-D shapes and construct the shapes.