If I haven’t already said so to you, happy New
Year to you!! J
On your child’s education team is your child
first of all, supported by you and me. It’s important you and I keep communicating
for your child’s sake. It’s time for me to write to you to ensure you’re fully
aware of all the following. Please take a moment to read this carefully.
- Personal Goals: I have given every child three goals to reach for in January and February (based on the plans you and I drew up for your child at the Parent-Teacher meetings in November). Please work with them to help your child reach them.
- Quality Workers: The quality of this class’s work is often stunning and humbling, especially the homework. The children are learning by doing, and they’re wonderfully talented kids.
- Sitting in Groups: I’m now giving the class a chance to prove to me that they can work in groups. Some have shown me they’re not yet able and so, for the moment, they’re sitting in rows. We all need to learn how to work with others so, as long as behaviour is good, most of us will be sitting in groups.
- Behaviour: The vast majority of this class is behaving well. However, some people let themselves down sometimes, and make life harder for everyone else when they selfishly waste time, disrespect others, or mess. These people have received cards recently for their misbehaviours and will continue to do so until they change. I would like parents of any such children to make sure the children know clearly that you want them to stop getting in trouble and start doing well.Manners: The school rule states: “Good manners are expected at all times.”Anything less than this is unacceptable. This has been a problem recently for a couple of children.Talking out of turn: Talking is only permitted in class when I say so: for example, if groups of children are told to “Partner up and practise.” Talking at other times is not permitted. We are in a very noisy classroom (no carpets) and ANY noise reverberates loudly and stops the class from working so I must be very strict on this.
- Uniform: Again, nearly everyone is wearing the full uniform correctly. The full uniform is required every day. No necklaces or make-up. Some children sometimes forget their tie or, very rarely, aren’t wearing black shoes. Notes from home are needed if an item of uniform has gone missing temporarily.
- Ready for Class: Just about everyone brings in two pens and a pencil. That’s great. But not everyone: they must do so or they are not “ready for class” (Rule 1). Similarly, your child must have blank copies ready to use when they fill other copies (most likely their Homework copy, Free Writing copy, or Notes copy). Well done to the class, nearly all of who had their Confirmation Copy ready to use when we began it yesterday.
- Journals Signed: Mr Ruddy recently went around the class to check the journals. He is insisting that children get their parents to sign the journals each night. The idea is that it gives you a chance to enjoy, praise and encourage your child’s work, and to talk about school in general.
- Punctuality: Well done to everyone for the class’s hugely improved punctuality. Last week only 2 children were late the whole week.
- “Great Week Certificates”—each week I send a text to the parents of any child who has done really well that week and ended each day on the good side of the board, not the bad side. If you don’t receive a text, it’s because your child had at least one bad day (OR was out at least two days).
- Homework Each Night: Remember it’s 10 minutes reading, 10 minutes writing (8 writing, 2 editing), 10 minutes on the maths questions from Mental Maths, and 10 minutes on Mathletics.
- Mathletics: Mr Ruddy is checking every child’s Mathletics work: they must do it or risk staying in at lunchtime to do it.
- Confirmation: Confirmation is a choice. It’s a choice your child makes to say that they want to and are ready to have the Holy Spirit strengthened in them, to get closer to God, to Love. It’s an opportunity for everyone who loves that child to think about their own relationship with God. As April 10th draws nearer, please use the opportunity to think and talk with your child about how we can all do better in our day‑to‑day lives in receiving and giving God’s Love.
- My blog for the children is talbotmrstuart.blogspot.ie (you can access this from the school website, on the right hand side of the Home Page)
- The class’s blog, where they can share their great work with each other in a safe, controlled environment, is: kidblog.org/MrS2014
- My blog for parents is usefulsiteforparents.blogspot.ie I will post this message up on it too. Please let me know if there’s anything in particular you would like to see posted. My email address is talbotmrstuart@gmail.com
- Thank You for all your notes of support and your encouragement. Thanks for being strict with your child when needed, and for always encouraging your child to do well. One step at a time, we’re helping your child flourish.
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