28 June, 2013

The text of the text I just sent...

Hi again. Here's the text of the text I just sent to all parents of the class. I wish you all the very very best. God bless, and take it easy.

"Hi, I'd like to just say farewell to you, all parents of 6th Class: You're all so loving to your children, and that love enables your child to blossom and shine. 
I also want to thank you from the depths of my heart for all your support to me this year: it's all about teamwork. 
And I wish you well with everything, especially your ongoing parenting. 
Take it easy, 
Martin Stuart. 
Oh, final posts (photos etc) now on talbotmrstuart.blogspot.ie"

And, PS, thanks to everyone too for the thoughtful, lovely gifts and cards. Very very kind.

19 June, 2013

Occasional Newsletter (June 19th, 2013) for Parents

Hi, this is the text of the newsletter I sent home today...

Occasional Newsletter, Mr Stuart’s Class

June 19th 2013:  So much going on!

Hi! There’s so much going on, I thought I’d put together this note, which you could use as a basis for a list to tick-off:
  1. ·         School Reports: I’ve written them all. It took a long time as each child is so different and there’s so much good to write about for each child. Mr Ruddy will read them and sign them. The school requests either a stamped-addressed envelope OR 60 cents for the price of a stamp; I can then post them out to you (I’d like to post it to you this week so you can have a chance to discuss anything with me if you wish).
  2. ·         School Play: Costumes/Outfits (black, white; OLD clothes; leggings/tracksuit bottoms; feel free to roughen their look—rips, dirt, ‘blood’ etc)

  • ·         School Play: everyone in our class in by 7.20pm on Thursday (concert begins at 7.30).
  • ·         TIP for Seating For the School Play: During rehearsals I noticed that if I am sitting on one side of the hall, I cannot see half of the class’s faces. SO, DO ASK your child which side of the hall (left or right as you are looking at the stage) to sit on so that you can see them. That way, you’ll see your child best.
  • ·         Questionnaire for Parents: Thanks so much to those who’ve already given it back; if you’d like to fill it in and return it still, I’d be glad to hear your thoughts; thanks!
  • ·         Lunches: Reminder: Glanmore have stopped their lunches to the school.
  • ·         Friday: Basketball Blitz (6th classes against each other)(sponsorship cards; money going towards fixing the community’s church roof which is leaking badly)
  • ·         Next Week: Monday: Hopefully Sports Day for 4th and 6th Class, if the weather gods shine on us.
  • ·         Next Week: Tuesday: the DFL Tour (3 children with the most stamps going on a day out)
  • ·         Next Week: Wednesday: the three 6th Classes tour to Avon RĂ­  Adventure Centre: if your child hasn’t yet paid fully, please do so THIS week (Wed/Thurs/Fri).
  • ·         Next Week: Thursday: Graduation Ceremony in the school for 6th Class
  • ·         Next Week: Friday: In at 9am, ‘work’ til we go to the Church for a final goodbye

Any questions, please contact me as normal.

Martin Stuart